My husband has finally done it. He's gone and got himself graduated with his Master-of-Counseling.

Maybe someday, I'll get around to putting them right-side-up. But for now, those of you who were asking for photos, here they are.
With the new title comes a move, we're moving way out of the area we have been in for the last four years, to a very rural, very touristy place. I'm not sure about the location, but I'm sure as hell0rhighwater excited to be able to stay home and tuck my kiddos into bed each night.
Here is my to do list for the next month.
8th birthday, party
Baptism for an 8-y-o.
Birthday for 6 y-o.
I don't know about you, but I don't think I'm busy enough.
Still not sure when my last day of work will be though. LoriAnn told me that I should take my vayay and not return. If she said it, that means it's legit and not sneaky, right? After all, she's the number 3 person at my store.
Hurry, I have 3 more days to get ready for a Princess party. What do I do besides serve pizza, cake and ice cream, play pin the crown on the princess, and make beaded necklaces and bracelets?